Nunu Jobe

Nunu Jobe has journeyed from being a poacher as a young child living alongside Mkuze Game Reserve, where he experienced firsthand the disjoint of conservation that excludes neighboring communities. From here was born his “human fence” ideology whereby neighboring communities protect natural resources. As his love for nature grew Nunu joined Phinda Game Reserve’s security team and after working in a number of reserves as a game ranger and tracker he joined the world renowned Hluhluwe iMfolozi Wilderness Trails which was always his pinnacle. He eventually headed the trails and became famous as the barefoot rhino whisperer. He pioneered Environmental Clubs in schools on the periphery of the game reserve and has shown many of these children, who live less than one kilometer away, their first rhino. Home of the Rhino, this game reserve re-stocked all of the rhino in South Africa’s other game reserves, which had been decimated by the 1960’s.  A walk with Nunu has been described as a spiritual experience. He not only knows many of the rhino but can tell you about their grandparents!! He travels the world barefoot (how can you be connected to the earth when you are wearing shoes), he has walked with elephants barefoot in Sri Lanka and uses his knowledge and experiences to educate the youth. A trustee of the Isibindi Foundation, he is involved in many community and conservation projects and has been a speaker at many conservation symposiums. Nunu has 5 walking guides in Isibindi Africa Trails, a tight knit team who adhere to a strong wilderness code and ethic.