blogWhat Is Sustainable Tourism And Why Is It Important?

Posted on:June 4, 2024

What is sustainable tourism? Making sure our planet survives climate change for future generations. Learn how you can make a difference.

Sustainable Tourism Defined

Sustainable tourism is a commitment to promote responsible policies, practices and systems in the tourism industry while acknowledging both positive and negative impacts of the industry on our environment. The main aim of this aspirational concept is to reduce the negative and magnify the positive footprint. An example of a negative impact on a tourism destination is damage to the natural environment or overcrowding. In contrast, a positive impact might include preserving wildlife and injecting economic resources into the local area. Overall, sustainable tourism takes complete account of economic, socio-cultural and environmental impacts, addressing the needs of visitors and surrounding communities. Ideally, it should balance these three spheres to guarantee long-term sustainability.

How Isibindi Defines Sustainability

Isibindi defines sustainable tourism as a purpose-driven initiative to save our planet for future generations. We strive to achieve this through social and economic projects anchored on sustainability and long-term partnerships with rural communities neighbouring our safari lodges. As a traveller, you can help make the tourism industry shift towards sustainability by making conscious choices that ensure the environment and local communities can thrive. The Isibindi Foundation allows guests at our lodges to be involved in philanthropic initiatives through levies and donations. In short, sustainable tourism is responsible travelling driven by the desire to benefit the environment, society, and economy.

The Benefits of Sustainable Tourism

Now that we’ve explained sustainable tourism. Let’s consider some environmental benefits:

Attract Eco-Conscious Travellers

One of the main benefits of sustainable tourism is that it attracts eco-conscious travellers who care and are aware of the effects of climate change (negative and positive) on the environment. This change is partly a result of human activities, with irresponsible travel among the substantial contributors. Researchers found that 80% of global travellers find sustainable tourism central and urgent, making them willing to adopt sustainable travel practices, thus making this a growing niche in the industry.

Create New Business and Job Opportunities

Travel and tourism create a demand for new products, services and jobs for innovative businesses and people. Sustainable tourism opens doors for two key trends: lodges and destinations can source their supplies from locally-made, organic products, and they can employ people from nearby communities. The lodges attract tourists to the area where local communities then have a chance of selling to these guests, as well as being employed at these local lodges.

Create Mutually Beneficial Relationships with Local Communities

The interests of business operators can sometimes conflict with the interests of local communities, as is the case with the tourism sector. This conflict usually arises from economic differences and the need to preserve the natural environment. But, with sustainable tourism development, community leaders and businesses can create a dialogue to find a mutually beneficial relationship to serve both interests. Enterprises benefit from this relationship by attracting eco-conscious and responsible customers and, in turn, local communities profit from jobs and economic growth.

How Does Sustainable Tourism Help the Environment?

Tourism, when done thoughtfully, fosters global cultural exchange and economic prosperity. It allows travellers to experience new things, all while minimising their impact on the environment. Sustainable tourism prioritises responsible travel that protects biodiversity and cultural heritage. This approach benefits local communities by creating jobs and income opportunities while generating revenue for conservation efforts. In short, sustainable tourism is a win-win for travellers, local economies, and the planet.

How Isibindi Plays a Role in Helping the Environment

Isibindi’s work starts with the “philanthropic travel” concept. This multiple-project initiative runs through the Isibindi Foundation in communities like KwaHlabisa, Mabibi and Mpembeni. You can learn more about our projects here: Isibindi Foundation projects.

Here are some examples of how we play our role in helping the environment at Isibindi Africa Lodges:

  • Replacing single-use plastic bottles with reusable ones
  • Sourcing supplies from local communities
  • Investing in solar energy farms
  • Serving ethically harvested seafood
  • Planting trees
  • Coral reef monitoring

Our journey and partnership with local communities to preserve the natural state of the environments where we operate started 30 years ago.

The Impact of Sustainable Tourism on Local Communities

Sustainable tourism offers social, cultural and economic benefits for local communities.

Here are some examples of how Isibindi Africa Lodges drives community impact:

  • Community tours in Mabibi with Thonga Beach Lodge and around Hluhluwe with Rhino Ridge Safari Lodge to learn about the local culture
  • Conservation education and projects to educate the local communities on the importance of preserving the wilderness and its animals
  • Employment opportunities in our lodges
  • Water project in Mpembeni

You can learn more about our projects here: Isibindi’s sustainability projects.

Play Your Part in Saving Our Planet

Sustainable tourism is a nuanced concept with no foolproof plan. It’s almost impossible to be 100% sustainable when you travel. However, minimising the negative environmental impact requires a concerted effort between businesses, travellers and local communities. Take the first step. Educate yourself and consciously choose to support sustainable and ethical practices.

Play your part with Isibindi Africa Lodges


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